No Education

The project “We Don’t Need No Education!” will gather in Sofia 20 participants from 12 European countries: Germany, Latvia, Poland, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Macedonia, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Russia, Serbia, Estonia.

From 16 to 23 September 2010 the youngsters will learn different techniques and methods of non-formal education. By means of discussions, workshops, debates and various games they will see the different faces of the non-formal education. We will meet our participants will other young activists at regional, national and international level who will share their experience in the non-formal area: their history like participants in projects, volunteers, organizers or project managers.

The principal aim of the project is to provoke the interest of the participants towards the non-formal education, to inform them about the possibilities that the different organizations and programs of the European Union give, and to encourage the international collaboration between the NGOs for further projects.

During the various social events and trips together, the participants will get to know each other and will meet and understand different traditions and cultures.